Do you long for a safe space to be accepted as who you really are?

Are you ready to be fully seen, heard, and witnessed as you walk your path?

Do you crave deeper, more authentic relationships with women who truly want to see you succeed?

Do you know deep down you are here for a reason, but you don't quite know how to make the changes to live that path?

Do you feel stuck, stagnant or fearful in your spirituality?

Are you ready to feel the support and cheers from a powerful sisterhood?

Please take your seat in our circle. You belong here.

Lightweavers Circle is an intimate community of women who come from all different walks of life but share a deep inner knowing that we are multidimensional light beings having a human experience and we are NOT meant to do this alone. 

We gather regularly with a collective intention to support each sister's unique and authentic journey of healing, expression, and embodiment of her Soul's authentic truth and expression.

We offer diverse healing and community experiences to support the growth of all aspects of you. This is facilitated in a safe container for you to dive deep with your sisters by your side, letting you know that you are never alone and we are all RISING TOGETHER.

We offer circle experiences on different days and times to accommodate varied schedules. You can find out more about our membership options here.